

Hello! Umm... I'm writing this 'cause I'm like so so so bored. So since "they" do not have/know that I have this blog I'm going to tell you something. It's a secret only readers of my blog should know

Um... so I think there's age discrimination in our school yeah.... so I'm going to change their names so you don't find out where I live even though I TOLD YOU the country. So my teammate Hazel and my coach Ma'am Residia are going to the carpentry to finalize the plan. They told Mr. Rommel that they are going there. Hazel texted Jose to go there with me. When we came back, Sir Rommel was so mad that we didn't tell anyone that we're going there. So end of story . DEAD

I love you guys better.. Next time again :) When I'm available again! Thanks for hearing me out


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